Saturday, December 13, 2008


As my potential post teaching political career gathers momentum (big mo), I am often asked if I am a Republican or Democrat. I have been both; I am neither at the moment. I believe that both parties have lost touch with the real America. Look at the candidates, one of whom will surely be president. Barack Obama is certainly an interesting candidate. But he campaigns by bowling. Did you see him bowl? Pathetic. Hillary Clinton campaigns by drinking a shot and a beer. What message does THAT send to our young people? And John S. McCain. A true American hero but I don’t know that he is right for the presidency. I have great respect for military pilots but he’s married to a rich woman. Let’s get someone in there who needs a job.

I think we need a new party and fresh leadership. What Americans want is not an amateur bowler or worse, an amateur drinker. We don’t need a president who is married to a brewery heiress. Americans want only one thing; good government. Such as

Military: A military we can be proud of. Ok, we have that.

Immigration: We don’t even know who lives here. Why isn’t our government capable of building a simple fence? Critics say it won’t work. Of course it will work. All you have to do is taser the people who come across without permission. And we don’t even know who lives in our country. Let’s take a survey. If you are in this country illegally but are behaving yourself, you fill out the paperwork, pay your fine, and welcome to America. If you are a criminal, you go home. How hard is that?

Government services: Make ‘em work. Once a government inspector inspects a bridge, it shouldn’t fall down. Airliners shouldn’t have out of spec wiring. Construction cranes shouldn’t topple over. Hurricane relief ought to arrive on time.

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